Admission Requirements

Degree Prerequisites

申请人必须持有由高等教育认证委员会(CHEA)相关机构认可的学院或大学的学士学位。. The master’s-level requirements (including languages, research statistics, and graduate hours in the respective majors) are noted below:


Biblical Exposition

  • The MDiv degree, 硕士学位, 或在美国和加拿大神学院协会(ATS)认可的神学机构的相应研究领域取得同等学历。. Equivalency will be based on the courses included in the master’s degree program. 
  • 12 credit hours of Preaching courses
  • 6 credit hours of either Greek or 希伯来语


Biblical 神学

  • The MDiv degree, 硕士学位, 或在美国和加拿大神学院协会(ATS)认可的神学机构的圣经研究领域取得同等学历。. Equivalency will be based on the courses included in the master’s degree program. 
  • 6 credit hours of upper-level Greek exegesis courses
  • 6 credit hours of upper-level 希伯来语 exegesis courses
  • Proficiency in French, 德国, or 拉丁 (by completing 9 credit hours, passing a proficiency exam, 或者在你的第一个博士研讨会开始时获得认可项目的证书)


Christian Apologetics

  • The MDiv degree, 硕士学位, 或美国和加拿大神学院协会(ATS)认可的神学机构的同等护教学或基督教思想. Equivalency will be based on the courses included in the master’s degree program.
  • 6 credit hours of Apologetics 
  • 3 credit hours of Logic (by the end of your first year in the PhD)
  • 精通希腊语或希伯来语(通过获得需要语言的硕士或硕士学位), or by completing a certificate from a recognized program)


Christian Education

  • The MDiv degree in Christian Education, 梅斯度, 或在美国和加拿大神学院协会(ATS)认可的神学机构的相应研究领域取得同等学历。. Equivalency will be based on the courses included in the master’s degree program. 
  • 12 credit hours of Christian Education
  • 6 credit hours of Research Statistics 


Christian Ethics

  • The MDiv degree, 硕士学位, or the equivalent in Ethics, 神学, 美国和加拿大神学院协会(ATS)认可的神学机构的基督教思想. Equivalency will be based on the courses included in the master’s degree program.
  • 6 credit hours of Ethics 
  • 精通希腊语和希伯来语(通过获得需要语言的硕士或硕士学位), or by completing a certificate from a recognized program)


Christian Leadership

  • The MDiv degree, 硕士学位, 或在美国和加拿大神学院协会(ATS)认可的神学机构的相应研究领域取得同等学历。. Equivalency will be based on the courses included in the master’s degree program. 
  • 12 credit hours in Christian Leadership
  • 6 credit hours of Greek, 希伯来语, Research Statistics, or a research language (French, 德国, 或拉丁语)


Counselor Education and Supervision

  • 硕士学位,婚姻和家庭咨询或临床心理健康专业, 或心理健康领域硕士学位,来自cacrep认证或cacrep同等课程(other mental health master's degrees will be considered on a case-by-case basis)
  • Biblical studies, 神学, 和实践事工课程,可与NOBTS心理咨询硕士课程相媲美. 至少, 三个学分,从一个认可的神学机构在以下各领域:新约, 基督教的《宝盈集团bbin》, Systematic 神学 (or its equivalent), and Practical Ministry (such as missions, 传福音, 牧师服务, or other practical ministry). 这些硕士课程可以在入学前完成,也可以与第一年的博士工作同时完成.
  • State licensure in a counseling field (LPC, LMFT, 或同等学历)或申请人必须由州执照委员会临时颁发执照.
  • 3 credit hours of Research Statistics 



  • The MDiv degree, 硕士学位, 或在美国和加拿大神学院协会(ATS)认可的神学机构的相应研究领域取得同等学历。. Equivalency will be based on the courses included in the master’s degree program.
  • 12 credit hours in 传福音 
  • 6 credit hours of Greek, 希伯来语, Research Statistics, or a research language (French, 德国, 或拉丁语)


  • The MDiv degree, 硕士学位, 或在美国和加拿大神学院协会(ATS)认可的神学机构的相应研究领域取得同等学历。. Equivalency will be based on the courses included in the master’s degree program.
  • 12 credit hours of 福
  • 6 credit hours of either Greek or 希伯来语
  • Proficiency in French, 德国, 拉丁 or Spanish (by completing 9 credit hours, passing a proficiency exam, or earning a certificate from a recognized program)



  • The MDiv degree, 硕士学位, 或在美国和加拿大神学院协会(ATS)认可的神学机构的圣经研究领域取得同等学历。. Equivalency will be based on the courses included in the master’s degree program.
  • 12学分的高级圣经语言课程(至少9学分的希腊语和3学分的希伯来语)
  • Proficiency in 德国 or 拉丁 (by completing 9 credit hours, passing a proficiency exam, 或者在你的第一个博士研讨会开始时获得认可项目的证书)



  • The MDiv degree, 硕士学位, 或在美国和加拿大神学院协会(ATS)认可的神学机构的圣经研究领域取得同等学历。. Equivalency will be based on the courses included in the master’s degree program.
  • 12学分的高级圣经语言课程(至少9学分的希伯来语和3学分的希腊语)
  • Proficiency in 德国 (by completing 9 credit hours, passing a proficiency exam, 或者在你的第一个博士研讨会开始时获得认可项目的证书)


Philosophy of Religion

  • The MDiv degree, 硕士学位, 或美国和加拿大神学院协会(ATS)认可的神学机构的哲学或基督教思想同等学历. Equivalency will be based on the courses included in the master’s degree program.
  • 6 credit hours of Philosophy
  • Proficiency in Greek (by earning an MA or MDiv which required the language, or by completing a certificate from a recognized program)
  • 3 credit hours of Logic (by the end of your first year in the PhD)


神学 and 神学 with a Concentration in Church History

  • The MDiv degree, 硕士学位, 或美国和加拿大神学院协会(ATS)认可的神学机构的神学或基督教思想同等学历。. Equivalency will be based on the courses included in the master’s degree program.
  • 6 credit hours of 神学
  • 精通希腊语和希伯来语(通过获得需要语言的硕士或硕士学位), or by completing a certificate from a recognized program)
  • Proficiency in 德国, 拉丁, or French (by completing 9 credit hours, passing a proficiency exam, 或在博士课程第一学年结束前获得认可课程的证书)

适用于所有专业, 符合非圣经语言或研究统计和方法要求的课程学分不得超过7年. The divisions will consider requests concerning unique circumstances. In addition to transcripted course credits, 非圣经语言的能力可以通过研究博士项目办公室安排的测试来验证. 为宝盈APP登录宝盈集团bbin参加德语和拉丁语考试的继续教育课程,请联系 Providence Learning Center.



  • Online Application with all supporting documents (Statement of Purpose and Call, Church Statement of Affirmation, Proof of Immunization Form, 4 reference evaluations, criminal background check, a secured faculty supervisor, and Transfer of Credit Request Form if applicable)
  • Application fee
  • Verification of GRE verbal, quantitative, and analytical writing scores
  • Official transcripts from all colleges, universities, and seminaries
  • 与申请人所选专业相关的硕士课程研究论文
  • 国际宝盈APP登录将需要在“国际宝盈APP登录”部分列出的额外补充项目 目录


Grade Point Average and Graduate Record Examination

平均成绩点(平均绩点)和研究生入学考试(GRE)的口头和分析性写作成绩将按照以下五分制进行考虑. For the application to be accepted, 个人必须在三个部分的综合得分为“0”或更高.







低于3.0  3.0 to 3.25   3.26 to 3.5   3.51 to 3.75  3.76 to 4.0



 (New scale: below 146) 

400 to 490


500 to 540


550 to 610





低于3.5 3.5 4.0 4.5 to 5.0 5.5 to 6.0

Although not included in the above calculation, 定量分数将被考虑在申请人的整体评估. The institutional code for New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary is 6472. 官方GRE成绩报告必须在研究博士项目办公室 9月1日 for January applications and 2月1日 for August applications. GRE scores can be no older than 5 years. 看到 GRE网站 for information on the new option to test at home!


除辅导员教育与督导外,所有专业均需参加入学考试. 申请人应向该科主任查询有关入学考试及该科其他要求的资料.


申请人必须提交一份硕士课程的研究论文供部门审查, preferably in the major area. 申请神学和历史研究专业的宝盈APP登录必须提交一篇T字型的论文&H纪律. If no paper is available, 申请人应联系研究博士项目副主任进行指导.


Division Interview

申请人必须到学校与拟议的专业学习领域相关的部门教师进行面试. The interview focuses on one’s conversion experience, call to ministry, family relationships, reasons for pursuing the doctoral degree, interests and reading in the proposed field of study, 以及其他可能使教师更好地了解申请人并确定其深造潜力的问题.


Background Check

Applicants must complete a Criminal Background Check by following the link below, 在博士招生委员会考虑申请人之前,必须提供结果.  29美元.95 fee is payable online to CastleBranch. The link is provided in your application portal.


The full details about our application process are available in the PhD Section of our Catalog.
